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Reach Unengaged Peoples Across Sub-Saharan Africa

Help your missionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa engage 55 large, unreached and unengaged people groups with the gospel by 2025 by training local partners and sponsoring evangelism efforts.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, 55 large groups of unengaged, unreached peoples (UUPGs) live, among whom are few-to-no Christians. The gospel cannot gain traction within these people groups. A new project, “55 in 5,” has set a goal for all IMB missionary teams to engage these 55 people groups in the next five years. Your partnership is vital to realize this vision. Your gift will send researchers and a media team among the 55 UUPGs to create products for awareness, prayer and recruitment to help local believers catch this vision.

Statistics show there are now more professing Christians in Africa than any other continent. These local believers are critical to reaching the last unreached peoples in Africa! They need biblical and practical training to learn to cross cultural lines and geographical borders to reach the remaining unengaged, unreached peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa for Christ.

Training will focus on the essential components of the missionary task: entry strategies, evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation and leadership development. Classes and seminars will be offered locally across the continent and regionally at centers in East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa. You can assist missionary teams and local churches to achieve this God-given vision. With your help, IMB personnel will establish training centers and equip trainers with teaching materials. Classes and seminars will be offered locally across the continent and regionally at centers in East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa. Training will focus on missionary and church planting strategies. Trainee expenses for travel, food and lodging—costs beyond the reach of many Africans– also must be subsidized. Your gift will help meet all these needs. Prayerfully consider how God is leading you to come alongside your African brothers and sisters to share the gospel of hope and salvation with 55 UUPGs in 5 years!

In Sub-Saharan Africa, 55 large groups of unengaged, unreached peoples (UUPGs) live, among whom are few-to-no Christians. The gospel cannot gain traction within these people groups. A new project, “55 in 5,” has set a goal for all IMB missionary teams to engage these 55 people groups in the next five years. Your partnership is vital to realize this vision. Your gift will send researchers and a media team among the 55 UUPGs to create products for awareness, prayer and recruitment to help local believers catch this vision.

Statistics show there are now more professing Christians in Africa than any other continent. These local believers are critical to reaching the last unreached peoples in Africa! They need biblical and practical training to learn to cross cultural lines and geographical borders to reach the remaining unengaged, unreached peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa for Christ.

Training will focus on the essential components of the missionary task: entry strategies, evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation and leadership development. Classes and seminars will be offered locally across the continent and regionally at centers in East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa. You can assist missionary teams and local churches to achieve this God-given vision. With your help, IMB personnel will establish training centers and equip trainers with teaching materials. Classes and seminars will be offered locally across the continent and regionally at centers in East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa. Training will focus on missionary and church planting strategies. Trainee expenses for travel, food and lodging—costs beyond the reach of many Africans– also must be subsidized. Your gift will help meet all these needs. Prayerfully consider how God is leading you to come alongside your African brothers and sisters to share the gospel of hope and salvation with 55 UUPGs in 5 years!

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of $500,000 goal
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Engaging an unreached group
trains one believer
For local believers
prints training materials
Audio gospel stories for UPGs
records stories in 1 lang.
1-wk site visit to UPG
sends 1 local missionary
Engaging UPGs with the gospel
trains 10 local believers
Site visits to UPG areas
Sends believers to 8 UPGs
Mission strategy training materials
prints all teaching materials

Field Updates

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Six Churches Planted in Two Years

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“We are succeeding in reaching Muslims in this area and have planted six churches in two years!” said Lucien, an African missionary working among the Peul people.

Another African partner, Alafia, shared that more than 100 villagers sat with him in front of their mosque to hear Bible stories. “If you come with a Bible, the very people that you come to serve will persecute you until death,” he said. “But because we came with stories [learned by] heart, we are making progress among the Kotokoli people.” 

In another village, a group of Muslims joined Alafia to hear Bible stories after Friday prayers at the mosque. He shared, “Many now understand that Christ is their only Savior. I want to thank all the partners who supported us through this training. I now know the Bible well and can tell the entire Bible as one story. Thank you!”  

Lucien added, “Before I learned Bible storying, sharing Scripture was a challenge. But now, by narrating stories from God’s Word, it has become much easier. We often work among Peul children who tell the stories to their parents, and parents then invite us into their homes to continue telling the stories.”

Through your gifts, we have trained local missionaries from Togo and Benin to share Bible stories in their heart language with new unreached people groups. We praise God that because of your generosity and God’s work through Lucian and Alafia, the Peul and the Kotokoli people groups are now hearing the gospel!

Lucien and Alafia are just two of many African believers who are tackling the world’s greatest problem of lostness head-on by boldly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Your financial gifts and prayers have trained and sent them to unreached tribes to share the hope of salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Thank you for partnering with our Reaching the Unreached People of Sub-Saharan Africa team!

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Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Sub-Saharan African Peoples

From the jagged Atlas Mountains to the vast Sahara Desert and the wildlife of the Serengeti, Africa is unrivaled for natural beauty and the hospitality of her people. Most Sub-Saharan Africans live hand-to-mouth, surviving on what they can harvest and herd, but regardless of status or wealth, most Africans share a common bond in community, family, and tribe.

Home to 2,500 ethnic groups, the region once characterized by sweeping poverty is redefining itself with bustling economies and technological enterprise. Eleven of the twenty-five fastest-growing global cities are in Sub-Saharan Africa. Whether urban-or-village dwellers, though, many Africans still try to manipulate spiritual powers through charms, sacrifices, and divination. The hope of the gospel is desperately needed.

African believers are catching a vision for sharing their faith. Sub-Saharan Africa is poised to become a tremendous missionary-sending force. Ask God to fan the flames of evangelism and cover Africa with his glory.

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