Ukrainian Sign Language Bible Translation

Translate Bible stories into Ukrainian sign language to reach the Deaf community in Ukraine and among 7 million Ukrainian refugees.
Nearly half a million Deaf Ukrainians have never had the Bible in their sign language. Two Deaf Ukrainian Baptist leaders feel God calling them to translate Scripture stories into Ukrainian Sign Language (USL) to minister to traumatize Deaf people, and to evangelize, disciple, train and plant churches. Your gift will underwrite the costs for this first step toward translating the Bible into USL.

Oleh and Marianna see themselves as missionaries to bring the gospel, in Scripture stories, to hundreds of other Deaf Ukrainians who have fled the conflict in their home country at this time. 

They are also refugees but adamantly disagree about being “displaced.” They say they felt led to settle in the Czech Republic and know God led them there to share Christ with other Deaf Ukrainians. They signed, “We are not displaced! We are placed here by God for a purpose. We did not know all of the details as to what was ahead for us, but we knew He led us here!!”

Partnering with this ministry will enable Oleh and Marianna to craft Bible stories into USL and record and compile them for distribution. So give today to create the first-ever Bible translation in USL to ministry to the thousands of war-weary Deaf Ukrainians searching for hope and meaning in life!

Nearly half a million Deaf Ukrainians have never had the Bible in their sign language. Two Deaf Ukrainian Baptist leaders feel God calling them to translate Scripture stories into Ukrainian Sign Language (USL) to minister to traumatize Deaf people, and to evangelize, disciple, train and plant churches. Your gift will underwrite the costs for this first step toward translating the Bible into USL.

Oleh and Marianna see themselves as missionaries to bring the gospel, in Scripture stories, to hundreds of other Deaf Ukrainians who have fled the conflict in their home country at this time. 

They are also refugees but adamantly disagree about being “displaced.” They say they felt led to settle in the Czech Republic and know God led them there to share Christ with other Deaf Ukrainians. They signed, “We are not displaced! We are placed here by God for a purpose. We did not know all of the details as to what was ahead for us, but we knew He led us here!!”

Partnering with this ministry will enable Oleh and Marianna to craft Bible stories into USL and record and compile them for distribution. So give today to create the first-ever Bible translation in USL to ministry to the thousands of war-weary Deaf Ukrainians searching for hope and meaning in life!

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of $48,000 goal
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Translation work
pays for 1 day
Recording studio rent
pays for 1 day
Translation work
funds 1 month
Final editing and compiling
complete all stories
Recording studio rent
pays for 2 weeks

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Deaf Peoples

Deaf and hard-of-hearing peoples live in an invisible world of stereotypes. More than 200 distinct sign languages have common roots that enable the Deaf to communicate cross-culturally, but most in the approximately 70-million-person global Deaf community have never seen Jesus's name signed. Often ignored and oppressed, the Deaf are some of the least evangelized people on earth.

Deaf communities comprise nearly one percent of any urban center. Though on the surface they are often indistinguishable from the hearing population, their differences in language and culture often result in their oppression. They find more common ground with other Deaf people—even those from other cultures. Across cultures, the Deaf share one great need: They need Jesus.

The gospel is for all people, and the Great Commission is for every believer, both hearing and Deaf. Ask God to raise up Deaf and hearing believers to embrace the limitless opportunities to take the gospel to Deaf communities.

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