
Pray for missions.

Monday, February 17 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Thai-Khorat of Thailand

(tie-koh-RAHT) - "Ivan heard the gospel and was interested--he enjoyed learning about Jesus," missionaries in Thailand said. "We planned a special Christmas celebration with another couple in Ivan's village who had recently become believers in Jesus. We invited Ivan to come, and he joined us. The following week Ivan was cutting down a tree with several friends when we invited him to join in the Bible study with the other couple in the village. Ivan stopped what he was doing and came to the Bible study. Praise God, Ivan chose God over cutting down a tree! At the end of the Bible study, Ivan said he needed to leave because his friends were waiting for him to finish cutting down the rest of the tree. Pray for Ivan to continue to make God his first priority and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior."

Monday, February 17 2025
European Peoples

Russian Speakers of Eastern Europe

Thousands of Russian-speakers are moving to "Power City" to work on a large construction project. About a 1.5-hour drive from "Power City" is "Pilgrim City," where a two-year old Russian-speaking church is located. Though young and small in membership, this body of believers desires to share the gospel with people and see a church planted in "Power City." Anna, a member of the church in "Pilgrim City," was for months the only known Russian-speaking believer living in "Power City." Recently, God brought two believing Russian-speaking men, Dave and Peter, to live and work there. However, their families are in their home countries unable to come to "Power City" until they can get the correct travel documents. Please pray that God would make a way for the families of these men to receive the necessary documents to join them. Pray that God would help Anna and other believers in "Pilgrim City" and "Power City" identify believers, gather them, and start a group in "Power City." Ask Him to provide inroads into the lives of unbelieving individuals and families living in "Power City" through personal relationships and outreach events. Also, pray for grace and wisdom in the raising up of leaders for this new work.

Monday, February 17 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

People of Central Taiwan

Universities will begin their spring semester around February 17. Pray for new Bible studies and English corners, for evangelism outreach on five campuses in the Taichung area, for new believers, and for students to be connected to healthy local churches where they can be discipled to become spiritually healthy followers of Jesus. The central Taiwan team will have two IMB semester-long volunteers working on these campuses for the next six months.

Monday, February 17 2025
Global Initiatives

Missionary Explorers, Project 3000

"I am getting ready to head back to one of the people groups I worked among about a year and a half ago," missionary explorer June Estes said. "This will be a time to follow up with the group and reconnect with those my ministry partner and I built relationships with. Please pray that those we shared with over a year and a half ago will receive us well and be ready to listen. Pray that the Lord will go before us to prepare a way and that the Holy Spirit will convict hearts so that they are ready to repent and believe. Pray that we can share with more members of this people group."

Monday, February 17 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Middle Eastern Arabs in the Southern United Kingdom

Rama arrived in the United Kingdom after fleeing her home country in the Middle East. Her family would not provide the basic human rights she believed that she deserved, and her government would not support her once she challenged her family. It took two days to escape, although her family did not try to find her. She arrived at the airport and was able to board an airplane with the ticket she had purchased in secret when her family had gone shopping a few days before. She clutched her passport and prayed that nobody would notice how badly she was shaking under her layered clothes. She arrived in the U.K. and asked for asylum at the airport. Her journey ahead would not be easy, and she knew that her life would never be the same. She would never hear her mother's voice again. Pray that Rama will be open to studying the Bible with a new Christian friend. Pray that she will experience love from God that will surpass her previous experiences.

Monday, February 17 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Karamojong of Uganda

(CARE-ah-muh-jong) - "This past Christmas, our Karamojong Team invited the local community to be a part of our annual Christmas celebration. We welcomed 1,000 men, women, and children into our compound, where we feasted and shared the gospel with a captive audience! It took 40 church leaders and workers to cook and serve the food: two bulls, one goat, 75 kilograms of rice, and 40 kilograms of beans. Give thanks to God that we were able to feed everyone! 'Thank you, Jesus, for being the Bread of Life so that "whoever comes to [You] shall not hunger, and whoever believes in [You] shall never thirst" (John 6:35 ESV).'"

Monday, February 17 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Johannesburg, South Africa

(joh-HAHN-is-burg) - Pastor Tshepho's retirement is approaching, and he does not yet know who will take his place. The congregation is in need of a spiritual leader who has a vision for gospel proclamation, especially in the nearby Muslim communities. Please pray for God to raise up such a person, and ask that Pastor Tshepho will faithfully invest in him. "And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2 ESV).

Monday, February 17 2025
American Peoples

Ecuador Mobilization

"Pray for our Ecuador Mobilization Team as we seek new team members to join us, along with a couple who has retired but is remaining active and our Ecuadorian team members, the Peters family. More than 25 churches in several different locations throughout Ecuador are being actively trained in strategic planning for planting healthy churches."

Monday, February 17 2025
Central Asian Peoples

Central Asian Peoples

As you enter a new year with thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done, please remember believers in Central Asia who are gathering this month to make plans, prepare, and pray about ministry. Pray for unity in the gospel to be the theme of every heart and mind at these meetings.

Monday, February 17 2025
South Asian Peoples

Bangalore Hospital, Karnataka State, India

(BANG-ah-lohr) - This month is graduation month for the academic programs at Bangalore Baptist Hospital. Graduates include nurses, doctors completing specialty training, allied health professionals, and pastoral counselors. Along with their knowledge and skills, pray that each graduate will carry a desire to serve people with compassion. Pray for all to have good work opportunities. Intercede for current students in all the courses as they work toward this same accomplishment and recognition.

Pray for Requests Worldwide