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Friday, February 14 2025
South Asian Peoples
South Asian Peoples

Workers write: "Our team is rejoicing in answered prayer for more laborers! New teammates are currently in training and are set to arrive on the field in March. Pray for humble hearts, open to what the Lord's teaching them in this season. May they be faithful and bold to continue walking in obedience and have unity and a Christlike, sacrificial love for one another. Intercede for their departure (packing up and saying goodbyes) and for the practical logistics of their arrival on the field (setting up housing and orientation plans). Continue to petition for more laborers, specifically more South Asians to arise from and then be sent back into the harvest fields. Pray in advance for discipling opportunities for these new team members. May the Lord go before them and prepare South Asian partners to labor alongside them and new believers to be equipped as disciple makers. May new and seasoned laborers alike not grow weary in this good work that our Father has called us to, continuing to remember His faithfulness during any hard days ahead. 'The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands' (Psalm 138:8 ESV)."

Friday, February 14 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Sapporo, Japan

(suh-POHR-oh) - "I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations" (Psalm 89:1 ESV). Please pray for the lost on Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido. "We want them to hear about God's love and faithfulness from believers here--we want Christ to be made known to all," IMB missionaries said. "Pray that Japanese believers will have a growing heart to share their testimonies with those around them who don't yet know Christ. Ask that in hearing these testimonies of faith, nonbelievers will be moved and begin to recognize Christ's steadfast and deep love for them."

Friday, February 14 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Pregnancy Center Project, Chiang Mai, Thailand

(chee-ang MY) - "The Pregnancy Team is preparing to be at Don Gl-eye School this month for a Valentine's outreach. Similar to the Christmas outreach we did last year at a different local school, we could have nearly 100 students participate. They will be divided into groups going from station to station to learning about the development life in the womb, the true love we find in Christ, a craft, and cookie-making. The children are always fascinated when they see the baby models at the life in the womb station. Pray for students' hearts to soak in the truth they will learn about physical and eternal life."

Friday, February 14 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Peoples of Ghana

"When Jesus spoke to Paul during his Damascus road conversion, He said that He was sending Paul to the Gentiles 'to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me' (Acts 26:18 ESV). This is our Ghana Team's prayer for the many lost souls in Ghana and around the world. A pastor recently explained that, sadly, there are people in some churches who are also spending time participating in traditional religious practices like appeasing the ancestors and petitioning false gods with sacrifices. Ask the Lord to open their eyes to show them that it is not possible to serve both darkness (Satan) and light (God) and that they must choose. Pray that they will understand the amazing grace of the gospel, repent of their sins, and choose to put their faith in Christ alone."

Friday, February 14 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Outer Rim People of East Asia

The gospel is spreading among the Himalayan peoples, and some are choosing to follow Jesus! Pray for those who have recently professed faith. Ask for the Spirit to empower them with boldness and a desire to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Ask that they will have favor with those in their community and with unbelieving family members. Also pray for the many people who heard the gospel but have not yet chosen to follow Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to the truth.
