Friday, May 10 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Twin Cities of North Africa

Yassine pushed his bike in the dark where he encountered two believers. He invited them back to his house to share a meal. There, they shared the good news, a gospel video on the family television, and a Bible in his language. Yassine listened attentively but responded to the message with disbelief. However, he couldn't stop thinking about the good news he had heard. Two weeks later, he called one of the believers and asked to meet again. This time, as he heard the gospel, he knew in his heart that it was true. He returned home and told his family that he wanted to be a follower of Jesus. They insisted that he stop harboring those ideas and said that they would disown him if he continued having such thoughts. Once again, he told the believer that he couldn't follow Christ. Another two weeks passed. Yassine called again and asked to meet. That night, Yassine repented of his sins and prayed to believe in Jesus Christ! Please pray for him as he walks the difficult road ahead with his family, friends, and community. Ask God to strengthen Yassine and help him become part of the small group of believers in the city.

Friday, May 10 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Tokyo, Japan

(TOH-kyoh) - "Lina accepted a children's Bible from a woman on the Tokyo Team. Lina said that she wanted to read it herself. She has been reading a story each night before bed. Pray that Lina will understand the love of Jesus and that she will have faith like a child to trust the Father (Matthew 18:3-4). Pray also that she will read the stories to others and share the things she is learning. Pray that her heart will be softened to the truth and that she will not be afraid to talk with the team member or ask her questions. Pray for our team member to explain things clearly as she talks with Lina. Pray that Lina will understand and accept Christ."
Friday, May 10 2024
European Peoples
Russian Speakers of Eastern Europe

Connecting with displaced Russian-speaking refugees face-to-face can be challenging logistically, but thanks to social media and the internet, there's now a way to "meet" and share the gospel with them, virtually. A group of believers in Europe have been collaborating to reach displaced Russian-language speakers through digital engagement. This group creates evangelistic posts and advertises them on social media in four key cities. Seekers can send a message and immediately connect with a responder who is a mature believer. The responder will pray for, share the gospel with, and encourage the seeker to connect with a local church or Bible study. Right now, tens of thousands of Russian-speakers in these European cities watch short videos about the life of Jesus every month. Hundreds of them write for further information or to request prayer. Pray that in turbulent circumstances, God will open many hearts to the gospel. Pray that those who have fled their homes will find new life in Christ and a new home in the Church. Pray for more Russian-speaking responders, graphic designers, and business-minded believers to join the project and help the group of believers serve with excellence in every sphere of digital engagement ministry.

Friday, May 10 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Rumelian Turks of the Balkans

(ru-ME-lee-an) - Pray for whole families among the Rumelian Turks of the Balkans to believe in Jesus. Pray that family members who are uninterested in the gospel and/or even hostile to the good news will see a change in the life of a new believer and desire to know more about the One who gives power to live a godly life. Pray for those young in the faith to live among their families with holiness, kindness, respect, and love.
Friday, May 10 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Peoples of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia

(soo-MAH-trah) - Mrs. Sue is a widow and has relied on her grown son to take care of her. The culture in Mrs. Sue's village is that once the child becomes the caregiver, they also become the authority figure. Mrs. Sue sees the importance of obeying God and has a desire to be baptized but wants to ask permission from her son first. Please pray that the Lord will soften the heart of Mrs. Sue's son so that he will not be angry but will accept this decision. Please pray that Mrs. Sue's son will hear how the Lord has worked in her heart and answered her prayers and that he will also believe.

Friday, May 10 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
People of Southwest Rwanda

Praise God for the baptism of Muslim-background believers in a river on the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Baptism "crosses the line," so they face much more persecution. Please pray Psalm 46:1 (ESV) for them, asking that they will know that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
Friday, May 10 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Northern African and Middle Eastern Unengaged Peoples

In the Nuba Mountains of Sudan live the Tingal people. The Nuba Mountains are quite fascinating in that they are more like a series of hills where different ethnicities live, each with their own language. The Tingal people are one Nuba Mountain ethnicity. This population of 8,000 speak the Tegali language. There is currently no Scripture available in their language. Those who have had access to an education or have traveled out of the homeland commonly speak Sudanese Arabic. Pray for the Tingal people to encounter the gospel. Pray for those who hear to believe and share the good news with others their community. "Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!" (Psalm 67:5 ESV).
Friday, May 10 2024
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Northeast India

Last month in Northeast India, some believers attended a meeting in which they learned how to engage Muslims with the gospel. They were taught how many Muslims live in India--which is a lot!--and why believers need to go and share Christ with them. They also learned about some tools to help them share the gospel in a way that Muslims can better understand. Pray that from this meeting, many Muslims will hear the clear, complete gospel proclaimed in their heart language. Pray that many will repent and believe in Jesus and be gathered into churches.

Friday, May 10 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Mombasa City, Kenya

(mahm-BAH-suh) - In obedience to Jesus' call to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8), some seminary students will be traveling halfway around the world to share in ministry with workers in East Africa. For some of these students, it will be their first time leaving their country. Please intercede for safe travels, and ask that they will hold loosely their expectations and hold tightly to what the Lord has prepared for them. "We know that the Lord can do abundantly more than we could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20), so join us in boldly asking that He will speak in a mighty way in and through these students. We are thankful for their willingness to leave what is known and to follow the Lord into the seemingly unknown, where He will surely work things out for His glory."
Friday, May 10 2024
American Peoples
Equipped to Serve in the Americas

Pray for missionaries Jeff and Lori Herrington as they lead a workshop on May 11 dealing with conflict and restoration within the church. Ask God to guide this time, and pray for believers to be equipped with tools for restoration and for God to bring healing in many relationships.

Friday, May 10 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
City of Salt and Light, East Asia

Pebbles is a citizen of the City of Salt and Light. Several people have shared the good news with her for more than 10 years. Needless to say, her heart is rather rocky. Praise the Father who is able to get through hardened hearts. Many people love her as Christ does and want her to follow Jesus. Would you pray for Pebbles and her family to have soft hearts toward Jesus? Would you pray for the people of the City of Salt and Light as well?
Friday, May 10 2024
South Asian Peoples
Bengali Muslims of India

(ben-GAH-lee) - Give thanks to God that some local believers have begun sharing the gospel among Muslim people in "Jewel Village"! Pray for those Muslims to turn to Christ, and petition for continued boldness for the believers who live in and near "Jewel Village." Pray that groups of Muslim believers or seekers will begin meeting in that place. Pray for fellowships to be started in that village and nearby villages among Muslim people!
