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Monday, February 10 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Swazi of Eswatini

(SWAH-zee) - A volunteer team from the United States will be involved in a three-day pastors' conference, two one-day camps, revivals in different regions of the country, as well as many home visits. Pray for a wonderful ministry during the team's time in Eswatini on February 12-28. Pray for safe travels and good health of the team members. Ask God to work in and through them in a mighty way among the people as they teach and encourage the saved and share the gospel with the lost. May the Swazi people freely share the Word that they freely received with their friends, neighbors, relatives, and others with whom they come in contact. "You received without paying; give without pay" (Matthew 10:8 ESV).

Monday, February 10 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Students in Malaysia

Praise God for the number of young people who took part in Christmas activities such as parties, special English corners, and creative outreach activities. Several have since attended church, on-campus student fellowships or other meetings. Please pray them to trust Jesus. Please pray that others who have not been to follow-up activities would receive a loving contact from a Christian very soon!

Monday, February 10 2025
South Asian Peoples
South Asian Peoples

Pray for new personnel as they work together with local partners in a city. Newer personnel now have the responsibility to partner in fresh ways with seasoned local harvest workers. Pray that these relationships will be strong and that God will give new creativity and insight through this new relational dynamic.

Monday, February 10 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
São Tomé e Príncipe

(sow toh-MAY ee PRIHN-sih-pih) - Please pray for Pastor Tiago as he virtually responds to requests for prayer and gives biblical guidance to individuals who are seeking answers, prompted by probing questions that they have seen online. Pray for other faithful followers of Jesus in São Tomé e Príncipe to feel called to join Pastor Tiago in ministering through this outreach using digital engagement strategies.

Monday, February 10 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Northern Plateau Peoples of Southeast Asia

Please pray that the people from the most remote villages of the Northern Plateau people will come to market towns and hear the gospel in trade languages, then take the truth back to their homes. As the gospel crosses into new languages, pray that the truth of the message will be preserved and that the Holy Spirit will touch hearts in the darkest, most inaccessible villages.

Monday, February 10 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Nomadic People of the Horn of Africa

Idil and Fariya are Muslim women who work for believing families. Fariya is a nurse and had been working at a clinic where she made a better salary, but she wanted to work for believers. It seems that Idil and Fariya enjoy working for believers because they are treated with kindness. Pray that both of these women will understand that the kindness they are drawn to is because of Jesus. Both have heard the good news. They have asked good questions and seem open to the truth. Pray that their hearts will be changed and that they will believe and bear His light to their families, friends, and neighbors.

Monday, February 10 2025
Global Initiatives
Missionary Explorers, Project 3000

"My full-time language learning is officially over!" missionary explorer Rowan Davis said. "This means research will be the main focus for my ministry partner and me. Also, I am teaching English to my former language teacher. She has asked to learn, and it has been an incredible opportunity to continue sharing truth in a place where she feels safe to listen. After one lesson, she brought up why people are not good. This led to a 2-hour discussion on what it means to be good and if goodness alone can get you into heaven. I shared the gospel with her. She has many questions about the Bible. We plan to discuss them soon. Please pray that the Lord will open this woman's heart to not only hearing the truth, but also receiving it. Pray for patience and for my language fluency, as I still do not have much spiritual language."

Monday, February 10 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Hong Kong and Macau, China

(ma-COW) - "Judy's family is Hindu, but she grew up going to a Catholic school and is currently trying to figure out what she believes. She is searching for the truth and said she wants to know 'how to get rid of her sin.' Pray for the Lord to reveal to her that Jesus came to pay for our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness through His sacrificial life, death and resurrection."

Monday, February 10 2025
Deaf Peoples
Deaf Peoples

"For this new year of 2025, we embark upon new beginnings. Within an area of predominantly diverse faiths, please pray that hearts will be transformed as Deaf groups in West Africa continue to engage in sign language stories about the love and hope in Christ, our Lord."

Monday, February 10 2025
Central Asian Peoples
Central Asian Unengaged Peoples

The Nuristani are made up of eight distinct groups, each having their own dialect. They are found in the remote mountain range in northeastern Afghanistan and some parts of Pakistan. Being very isolated within these mountain peaks has helped to preserve their culture but, at the same time, has hindered basic development among their people. Healthcare and good food sources are some of their greatest needs. The Nuristani follow the Sunni sect of Islam and include some practices of mysticism through amulets and charms. They are a completely verbal society with none of their languages written; however, some Bible recordings exist in their different dialects. Nuristani means "people of the light." Pray that the gospel will penetrate these isolated and cut-off areas of the Nuristani so that one day, they will shine Jesus' light to those around them. Ask the Lord to raise up believers with a heart for the Nuristani and a willingness to live at the very edge of the earth for their salvation. Pray that the Lord will provide not only for their spiritual needs, but also their physical needs through medical care and food.
