Monday, May 6 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Tajiks of Tajikistan

(TAH-jeeks) - With the coming of summer comes a few months' break from school. During this time, there are lots of summer camps put on that give children a chance to meet and interact with others, have time playing outside, as well as hear the good news! Pray for the students who will be attending these camps, asking that God will prepare their hearts and minds to be ready to hear the truth. Pray also for those who will be leading these camps, asking that their hearts will be in it, they will grow in the Lord, and all the logistics will work out.
Monday, May 6 2024
South Asian Peoples
Sri Lanka

Please lift up one of groups that is facing pressure from the community of a newer believer. Ask for strength and safety for the new believer and the group leaders.

Monday, May 6 2024
American Peoples
Peoples of Northeast Brazil

In February, a group of pastors and their wives from Arkansas served in Northeast Brazil. They trained church planters and their wives and guided them in having some fun. These leaders from the United States also worked alongside these Brazilian leaders doing door-to-door evangelism and other work in the community. Give thanks for the good time of growth and encouragement during the trainings! Pray for the U.S. pastors to prayerfully consider "adopting" a church planter and committing to partnership during the next few years. Pray that Brazilians who heard the gospel through their efforts will be open to committing their lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Monday, May 6 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Peoples of Ghana

One of the Ghana Team members is a surgeon at the Baptist Medical Centre in northern Ghana. This summer, she and her family will begin their second stateside assignment and will be in the United States for a full year. As of right now, there is not another surgeon to fill in the gap for the entire year. Please pray for God's provision of surgical coverage for the hospital while this missionary doctor is away.
Monday, May 6 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
People of the Arid Triangle, North Africa

Becoming a believer later in life, Aya was quickly all in: She was very passionate about her faith and her walk with the Lord. Unfortunately, soon after, a life-changing medical diagnosis left her disabled and unable to speak. She has remained steadfast in the Lord and enjoys fellowship with others, but she has been influenced by heretical teaching that she will be healed if she just has enough faith. How heartbreaking it is for her to think that it's her fault that she is still disabled! Pray that Aya will have a right understanding of healing and faith. Ask that she will see that the Lord Jesus has the power but that it might not be His will to heal her in this life. May He give her contentment in that. At the same time, pray that she will be healed, if it is His will. Pray that the Lord will be near to her and encourage her by His Spirit.

Monday, May 6 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
People of Pearl Island, Southeast Asia

"Our local ministry partner recently met and befriended the governor's wife. They bonded over coffee and a shared conviction that women should be treated with dignity all over the country. Pray that we will have more opportunities to meet with her and share the gospel in a more complete way. Pray that the governor's wife will believe and that her influence will be used to God's glory on Pearl Island and beyond!"

Monday, May 6 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Northern African and Middle Eastern Unengaged Peoples

The West Gurage are an unengaged, unreached people group living in the south-central highlands of Ethiopia. They speak the Sebat Bet Gurage language, which literally means "seven houses," referring to seven groups that use this language with slightly different dialects. The life of most West Gurage is based on agriculture. Their main crop is enset, or false banana. It looks like a banana tree but produces no fruit and is prized for its large, round root. This root is pounded and made into a bread-like food called "kocho." The large leaves are used in many ways, including the wrapping of bodies after death and the tying off of the umbilical cord after birth. There are almost 3 million West Gurage, and the majority practice Orthodox Christianity. The countryside is home to Orthodox monasteries likely dating back to the Middle Ages. As Orthodox, they have no understanding of salvation by grace through faith. Their lives are full of doing good works to try to please God: fasting; going to church; and praying to saints, angels, and Mary. Pray that near-culture peoples who have the gospel will take it to the West Gurage and that many will put their faith in Jesus alone for salvation.
Monday, May 6 2024
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Three States in South India

Two groups of visiting believers will be serving as the hands and feet of Jesus among young adults this spring. They will be visiting a college campus, making friends at all the cool hangouts, and sharing the good news in Muslim areas. Often, such visiting groups sow the gospel seed so broadly that it's difficult for local believers to follow up with everyone who expresses an interest in knowing more. Therefore, some local believers have decided to host a seekers' event for young adults near the end of each group's visit. As the visiting believers encounter someone wanting to know more, they can invite them to this event. It will be a relaxed, enjoyable environment for the seekers and a way that the local believers can follow up with all those who are interested in the good news. Please ask the Lord to bless the efforts of these visitors and local believers. Pray that many people will hear the good news and want to know more. May many Muslims come to saving faith in Jesus as a result!

Monday, May 6 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Melting Cities, East Asia

In one of the Melting Cities, many churches commemorate Family Month in May. Through events like Children's Sunday or Parents' Sunday, families come together to deepen their love for each other and learn anew about marriage and parenting relationships being guided by God's Word. Nowadays, many families are estranged from God and do not run to Him when they face hardships and grapple with issues that strain trust in families and fracture familial ties. Amid these challenges, pray for Christian families to abide in Jesus and allow God's Word to guide them in their relationships, especially in the face of adversity. Pray also for God to heal deep wounds in broken families. Pray that God would inspire a vision among families in the Melting Cities for the kind of family He desires.
Monday, May 6 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Cape Town, South Africa

(KAYP town) - For over five years, a missionary in Cape Town, South Africa, has used digital evangelism to take the gospel to places where missionaries might not be. The fruit from the ministry has been abundant over the years. This year, phishing and hacking attempts are being made daily on the evangelism websites and the related Bible study website. Time is having to be spent daily in blocking and hiding these attempts. The malicious actors try to confuse the seekers with their avid denials of the gospel and their arguments. They seek to keep people from hearing the gospel. Give thanks to God that He is almighty over this situation! Ask Him to intervene so that the malicious actors will come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Pray that these people will be stopped in their attempts to confuse and thwart the advance of the gospel to unsaved people.