Reyhan has been living in a new country for almost two years since she and her husband moved away from North Africa for his work. Considering herself to be a very open person, she has quickly learned the local language and has made many friends. However, she is unsure how much longer the family will stay, as she feels that her preschool-age daughter would miss much not growing up closely attached to their home culture, land, and extended family. Never very religious before, a number of her friends now are believers, and she weekly hears stories and teachings from the Bible. She spends a great deal of time pondering and researching her questions both online and by asking others in her life. Recently, she confided to one friend that she gets confused when she reads information in the languages she grew up using, as they seem to say different things than what her friends share with her. She knows that if her friends are correct, then everything she grew up hearing and assuming to be the truth cannot be accurate. Pray that Reyhan will find the courage to believe despite how it might change her life and relationships.