Sparrow People of the Horn of Africa

Kadija has a heart for marginalized people in her town. Recently, she and her friend began weekly gatherings of some of the street children who beg in the marketplace. The children are young, aged 10 and under. They have families but are left to care for themselves most of the time. Weekly, Kadija and her friend provide a meal and a place to wash. However, Kadija saw a need for spiritual care for the children and their families, so on a holiday, she invited them to her house church and showed them the “JESUS” film. Afterward, Kadija and her friend lovingly served the families a holiday meal and shared the gospel, and many decided to follow Jesus. Since then, God has opened many doors for Kadija to share her personal testimony and the good news. She is seeing that the field is ripe for harvest in her town. She and her friend continue to teach God’s Word to the children weekly. Pray for Kadija as she continues to love, serve, and teach the children and their families. Pray that she will have time to be discipled so that she may be able to disciple these new believers.