Window City of North Africa

Omera lives in the densely populated city with her mother and sisters. She lost her father as a teenager, and it was that event that led her to begin questioning her Islamic faith and, ultimately, to view it as untrue. After seeking the truth for many years, she recently encountered some believers and has begun reading the Bible with them weekly over coffee. She was in a place of deep hopelessness when she first began to read with them, but she has seen the peace and joy that comes with accepting salvation in Jesus through the reading of the Scriptures and witnessing His light in her friends. She believes many truths that have been shared with her but continues to live in fear and a lack of understanding of other things she reads. Pray that Omera will understand her need for the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ask God to reveal Himself to her by His Spirit, and pray that she will confess her sins.