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Services for Team Associate


To facilitate the ministry of Team Associates serving in good standing on the field, IMB offers all of the services set forth below to Team Associates. Unless otherwise indicated below, these services are provided to Team Associates free of charge. (IMB does reserve the right to add or remove services from this list of services offered to Team Associates. All services offered and provided to Team Associates are also provided in accordance with the Terms of the Team Associate Agreement, including the Section of the Terms entitled “Warranties and Disclaimers”).

Health & Welfare

IMB provides several Health & Welfare services through the Field HR Team. This team includes Children’s Educational Consultants, Medical Coordinators, and Member Care Consultants located on the field that are ready to help you.

  • Children’s Educational Consultants are available to provide consultation for your children’s education on the field. Examples: home schooling advice, finding suitable local schools in-country, etc.
  • Medical professionals are available to assist Team Associates in securing consultation for medical care on the field. Examples: provide list of suitable local doctors and hospitals, recommend medications, etc.
  • Member care professionals are available to connect you with caring professionals (locally or in the US) to help with emotional and mental health.
  • As a Team Associate, the IMB will provide you Travel insurance (administered by Gallagher) at no charge. This travel insurance covers the following: Accidental Death & Dismemberment, Medical Evacuation, Family Coordination and Repatriation, and Personal Property Insurance.

Note: Team Associates are responsible for securing their own insurance, with international coverage, for their medical and dental needs. The above services are not intended to replace such insurance coverage. IMB can connect Team Associates with health insurance providers that Team Associates can contract with to secure international coverage for medical and dental needs.


Logistics is represented on the field by strategically placed Logistics Services Consultants (LSC) to provide local expertise in the areas of visas, housing, transportation and shipping. As a Team Associate you can contact the LSC assigned to your location for assistance.

Visa Guidance – Logistics will provide guidance regarding the typical visa, work permit and entry options along with instructions for submitting an application.

Housing Guidance – Logistics will provide guidance regarding the available housing market data and housing options along with instructions for finding and securing housing. Housing guidance will vary greatly from location to location as will the personal involvement of the Logistics Services Consultant. Where possible, this guidance will include the following:

  • Budget range – target costs
  • Instructions of what to expect in housing options
  • Typical Length of contract
  • Specific verbiage or contract language to avoid or require in rental agreements
  • Typical repairs or improvements to negotiate prior to signing agreement
  • Miscellaneous information about parking, security, utilities, or services that may affect housing choices

Transportation Guidance – Logistics will provide guidance regarding transportation options for your location. Where possible, this guidance will include the following factors:

  • Public transportation options
  • Vehicle purchasing advice
  • Licensure requirements
  • Registration/Inspection requirements
  • Insurance requirements

Shipping Guidance – Due to the complicated nature and costs associated with shipping, Team Associates are generally discouraged from shipping. Logistics will provide general guidance regarding shipping by recommending qualified professionals.

Financial Services

International Banking Consultation – IMB financial services representatives will consult with Team Associates to help answer common information requirements imposed by banks and governments on the movement of funds, particularly international transfers. Common questions asked include, Who sent you these funds? What is your relationship with them? What is the purpose of these funds? While IMB does not endorse or recommend a particular bank, card or service, IMB will provide Team Associates with a guide that provides options to consider.

Emergency Cash Services (subject to limitations) – IMB may be able to provide short term cost coverage in the event of exceptional circumstances (e.g. emergency medical or security needs). Team Associates will be expected to reimburse IMB for any such costs.


Technology solutions provides the following services to all Team Associates:

  • Office 365 – Office 365 is a productivity and communications platform that IMB leverages to:
    • Enable secure communications with all our personnel globally by providing you with a specific email address.
    • Document creation, secure storage and backup, and the ability to easily and securely share and collaborate with fellow IMB personnel through the use of Office Suite (Powerpoint, Excel, Word, Outlook, OneNote, etc)
  • End User Support
    • Email and phone support for technical and training matters is available.
  • Secure Access
    • VPN service is provided to ensure security of the connection from a user’s device to the internet. This ensures no one can monitor communications occurring over the internet in countries where available.