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Every Church. Every Nation. Here’s What It Means.

At the IMB, we believe every church—regardless of size, resources, or unique needs—has a vital role to play in reaching every nation with the gospel. Whether your congregation has fifty members, five hundred members, or five thousand, your church can be a catalyst for the Great Commission in your community and across the globe.

Whether yours is a massive urban church or a small rural one, a new church plant or an established community church, every member of your congregation can be mobilized toward carrying the news of Jesus Christ to those who’ve never heard.

Toward that end, IMB leaders from across the organization sat down together at SBC 2018 to discuss how Southern Baptists can pursue this goal of “Every Church, Every Nation.” Caleb Crider from IMB’s Training Team and Lori McDaniel from IMB’s Church Initiatives team were joined by Edgar Aponte, vice president of Mobilization, and David Platt, then-president of the IMB and pastor of McLean Bible Church.

When you partner with the IMB, you do more than make it possible to send missionaries. You’re part of the team that goes. Churches of every size and from every context can form partnerships with IMB missionary teams on the field, working alongside them by praying and giving, but also by going on short-term trips and even sending members out as long-term missionaries.

Click the image to find opportunities to go.

What’s more, these partnerships are not merely designed to plant churches, but to plant churches around the world who share this same Great Commission vision. After all, every church in every nation is called to bring the gospel to every nation. What’s more, in the words of David Platt, “If every church actually believes that, then we can make a massive dent in getting the gospel to every nation.”

Your church has a vital role to play in getting the gospel to every nation. Here are just a few resources to help you get started:

IMB.org/Courses – discipleship and missions training tools

IMB.org/Go – short-term, mid-term, and long-term missions opportunities available now

Got questions? The IMB Contact Team is available by phone and email, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Get in touch and get the answers you need today.

Jaclyn S. Parrish worked as a writer for IMB in South Asia. She currently serves in the US as a writer, editor, and social media associate for IMB. You can follow her on Twitter at @JaclynSParrish.