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Reaching the Nations, Together

2022 Lottie Moon offering and Week of Prayer resources available from IMB

“Addressing lostness as the world’s greatest problem requires the world’s greatest resources,” IMB President Paul Chitwood recently told Southern Baptists. For this reason, we invite all Southern Baptists to participate with us in the 2022 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® and Week of Prayer for International Missions.

Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among those who have never heard the gospel – people in cities, people in hard-to-reach places and people who are dispersed around the world.

A Deaf woman is baptized in Batangas province of the Philippines. Ministry among the Deaf in Southeast Asia continues to grow. IMB Photo

But, this missionary presence is only possible through your fervent prayers and faithful gifts.

By praying for your missionaries and those who have yet to hear and believe the gospel, you and your church can help solve the world’s greatest problem – lostness. Pray with us during the Week of Prayer, Dec. 4-11.

By giving to the Lottie Moon offering, you make it possible for IMB missionary presence to cultivate gospel access, gospel belief and gospel multiplication. We invite you to support the work of your missionaries not just during this Christmas season but 365 days a year.

This year’s Week of Prayer and Lottie Moon offering downloadable resources are available now on the IMB’s website. In addition to stories, full-color photos and videos, we are offering a global impact guide, social media graphics, presentation graphics, kids’ resources, goal posters and a bulletin insert.

Resources are also available in Spanish, Korean and Chinese. These resources are designed to invite you and your church — all ages — to actively participate in the task of praying for missionaries and to raise awareness of God’s work around the world. The stories and other materials will unite individuals and churches in meeting this year’s $196 million LMCO goal.

Through the LMCO, IMB President Paul Chitwood says, we can remain on task to address one problem that rises above every problem — lostness. There are 157,690 people dying daily without Christ and more than 3,000 people groups remain unengaged.

This work can only be accomplished through the cooperative work of Southern Baptists. Our convention exists for the purpose of praying, giving, going and sending, together.

“Together, we get to share the good news of Jesus with people and places where that news has never been heard. Together, we send, sustain and support missionaries to be steadfastly present around the globe,” Chitwood encourages. “We must reach the nations, together.”

Want to hear from our president, senior leadership and missionaries about how your generosity is making an impact on lostness and find out more about our 2023 vision? Visit imb.org/presidents-call to secure your spot in the exclusive video call (registration required) on Nov. 2 at 3:30pm EDT.

Find all resources at imb.org/lottiemoon. Check back for additional materials leading up to Week of Prayer Dec. 4-11. Reach out to info@imb.org for questions or to order resources. Resources are also available through your state’s WMU office.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of Woman’s Missionary Union.