The IMB praises God for Hispanic churches sending missionaries to the nations and for Hispanic IMB missionaries, many of whom are serving among people groups who are hard to reach with the gospel. IMB Photo
Misiones de las Iglesias Hispanas ver recursos en español
During Hispanic Heritage Month, the IMB is highlighting the contribution of Hispanics to global missions and celebrating the growing number of Hispanic churches committed to reaching the nations. Resources about Hispanic church missions efforts are available through the IMB.
During a family meal, family worship, church small group meeting, or your own devotion time, this prayer guide will lead you to pray for the lost and for your missionaries who are steadfastly present among them.
Pray for Adam and Mia

Adam and Mia serve as missionaries among Asian peoples. IMB Photo
Adam and Mia serve as missionaries among Asian peoples.
- Pray for Adam and Mia as they return to the mission field after about a decade back in the U.S., caring for their parents and serving the church in the U.S.
- Pray for God to be with the family as they reacclimate to the culture and language and get to know their new team.
- Pray for them as they go and support the work their national partners are doing in the area.
- Pray that the family will be well received by the people and will build strong relationships among them that lead to gospel conversations.

Antonio and Emma serve as missionaries among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples. Photo Provided
Pray for Antonio and Emma
Antonio and Emma serve as missionaries among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples.
- Pray for Antonio and Emma as they mobilize churches to engage lostness.
- Pray that God gives them favor, wisdom, and understanding as they serve among the people they are called to.
- Pray “that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ,” (Colossians 4:3) with their friends from unreached places in the area they live.
- Pray for their three kids in school, that as they interact with other kids, they’d share the light and love of Jesus.
Pray for Antonio and Ana
Antonio and Ana serve as missionaries among South Asians.

Antonio and Ana serve as missionaries among South Asians. IMB Photo
- Pray for unreached people groups who live in close proximity. In their area, over 21 million people are spread across six districts and are part of a main city. Pray that as they find and reach more receptive people groups, those people would be mobilized to reach the lost around them.
- Pray the family continues to learn and understand their people’s culture and language so they, alongside their national partners, can better engage them in their context.
- Pray for the strengthening of their team of national partners and their families. Pray that God would send more national partners to join them in reaching the unreached.
- Pray for their family as they grow spiritually on the field and for their extended family members back home and in other areas abroad.
Pray for Jaime and Myrna

Jaime and Myrna Pagán serve as missionaries in México City, México. Photo Provided
Jaime and Myrna Pagán serve as missionaries in México City, México.
- Pray for the global cities of Guadalajara and México City, that the millions of people living there would come to know Christ.
- Pray for increased partnerships with churches in the U.S. Pray that these churches would send laborers–short and long term–to serve alongside the Pagáns.
- Pray for the existing church in their region to grow. Pray they feel an urgency for evangelism and church planting.
- Pray for God to move in the hearts of the Summer Sojourners who worked with them this summer. Pray that God calls students like them to reach the nations.
Pray for Gabriel and Camilla

Gabriel and Camilla serve as missionaries among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples. Photo Provided
Gabriel and Camilla serve as missionaries among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples.
- Pray for the people Gabriel and Camilla work among, those who are seeking and those who already believe. Pray for them to seek fervently and not be discouraged by persecution and pressures surrounding them.
- Pray for the local churches, that they continue to look for the lost and share the love of Christ with them.
- Pray for Gabriel and Camilla, that God gives them boldness as they impact the lostness around them.
- Pray that God would call more Hispanic and non- Hispanic believers to join in the work that they are doing in this hard-to-reach place.
Pray for Amapola

Amapola serves among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples. Photo Provided
Amapola serves among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples.
- Pray that God will open doors so that she and her team can speak the Word of God with boldness.
- Pray that God will remove all the obstacles her predominantly Muslim people group face in understanding the message of salvation and that the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of those she seeks to reach.
- Pray for a church-planting movement among Northern African and Middle Eastern peoples who live in Europe. Pray they bring the gospel back to their countries of origin.
- Pray for Amapola, that as she serves among her people, she stays connected to Jesus.
To find out more about the impact of Hispanic missionaries, visit imb.org/hispanic-church-missions. Interested in connecting with IMB missionaries? Contact us at info@imb.org.
Your generous giving to the Cooperative Program helps educate and train missionaries on the state level through our Southern Baptist seminaries. This allows for all funds given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® to be used for frontline missionaries living among the lost. Thank you for providing for your missionaries through both Lottie Moon and the Cooperative Program.