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Team Member Qualifications and Preclusions

Mid-Term Team Member

Those who apply for a mid-term Team Member assignment will be considering a two- or three-year term overseas. The IMB has mid-term opportunities that are fully funded by the IMB and non-funded by the IMB.

Long-Term Team Member

Those who apply for a long-term Team Member assignment will be considering a minimum three-year term overseas, with the intent to continue beyond the first term. All long-term Team Member roles are fully funded by the IMB.

Team Member Qualifications and Preclusions

All Team Members, whether funded by the IMB or their sending church, become full employees of the IMB. As IMB employees, there are some basic requirements:

  • Residency or citizenship: IMB applicants must be either U.S. citizens or permanent residents with a 10-year green card.
  • Church membership: An applicant must be a member of a Southern Baptist church
  • Health and wellness: For fully-funded Team Members, healthcare is provided and therefore there are some health considerations prior to application:
    • Applicants should have a body mass index (BMI) of 33 or less.
    • Due to the unique challenges presented by overseas service, applicants and family members should be free from certain conditions/illnesses:
      • Diabetes, type 1; bipolar type 1 with or without psychotic features; history of psychosis (i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar type 1, delusional disorder, major depressive disorder with psychotic features, etc.); organ transplant (with the exception of corneal transplant); multiple sclerosis; rheumatoid arthritis; current RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy/chronic regional pain syndrome); chronic renal failure; polycystic kidney disease; autism spectrum disorder in children less than age 18; significant developmental delay; fetal alcohol syndrome; HIV; chronic hepatitis B and C; sickle cell anemia; cystic fibrosis; Crohn’s disease; certain connective tissue diseases (such as dermatomyositis, polymyositis, others); history of malignancy within the past 5 years (with exception of certain skin cancers); the use of a biologic medication.
    • In order to attend IMB training and orientation, Virginia law requires that all children be up to date on their immunizations according to the CDC schedule.
  • Finances: For fully-funded Team Members, there is a maximum amount of debt that is sustainable while serving overseas. The requirements are as follows:
    • For Journeyman roles, singles should have no more than $235 per month debt payments, while couples should have no more than $390 per month debt.
    • For mid-term roles, singles should have no more than $275 per month debt payment, while couples should have no more than $450 per month debt.
    • For long-term roles, singles should have no more than $340 per month debt payment, while couples should have no more than $570 per month debt.
  • Lifestyle: Applicants should exhibit a life of sexual purity, including having at least one year of abstinence from pornography before starting an assignment. Other related areas of sexual purity are also considered and addressed.