Sending 300 missionaries over 5 years to explore 3,072 unengaged, unreached people groups

Missionary Explorers needed
Explorers sent

IMB has identified 3,072 people groups that no one is engaging – until now.

Project 3000, a new IMB initiative, will send out 300 Missionary Explorers over 5 years to scout out 10 unengaged, unreached people groups each year. The goal is for these unengaged, unreached people groups to be found and known. Missionary Explorers will find out where they live, learn about their culture, discern their literacy, share the gospel, develop ministry strategies, become prayer warriors for these groups and find national partners. Explorers will play a key part of entry into the missionary task, cultivating gospel access among the least reached.

Once a people group has been found and explored, IMB teams, along with their national partners on the ground, will continue in the missionary task to move these people groups from unengaged to gospel engagement and, prayerfully, from unreached to reached, as we see new believers, mature disciples, and healthy church plants among those peoples.

We need 100 Missionary Explorers to go to the edges of lostness this year. See below for more information about the job, and pray about how God is calling you, or someone you know, to go to join Project 3000.

Quote From The Field

“I’m hiking very deep into a jungle region, a place apparently no foreigner has gone before. By the grace of God, I found a very small rough “hotel” which is basically just someone’s house I am sleeping in and paying them for it. I am in a village of about 200 people where there is no church, no Christians, and they are very closed to hearing or learning about the gospel. The closest town is two hours by driving, or roughly four or more hours by a walking trail. We will begin sharing all day tomorrow. I have also found some families of one of the unengaged, unreached people group(s) I traveled here to find and spoke with locals and gathered information on where they may be. I will walk that direction and try to find them two days from now. We are going to sleep now on sheets of plywood. Goodnight from here.” 
—- M.E.


Missionary Explorers will be sent out to find out where the people groups live, learn about their culture, discern their literacy, share the gospel, develop ministry strategies, become prayer warriors for these groups and find national partners. Explorers will play a key part of entry into the missionary task, cultivating gospel access among the least reached. You will:

  • Research and find your assigned people groups.
  • Identify with Christ and seek to share the gospel using whatever language or gospel resource is appropriate.
  • Pray daily for your assigned people groups.
  • Work on a culturally diverse team of local and global partners.
  • Document your findings; research should include but is not limited to data such as: location where they live, access challenges and opportunities, languages spoken, worldview, degrees of literacy and educational opportunities, access to written or other forms of Scripture.

Required Skills, Education, and Experience

  • You must have a passion to share the gospel with the lost, particularly in extreme places.
  • You must be able to work on a team with partners from other cultures who may not speak English.
  • No minimum education required, or prior experience needed.
Become a
Missionary Explorer

Ultimately, if you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach every nation – no matter the cost – this job is for you.

Take the next steps and start the application process now. An IMB team member will be in touch to schedule a conversation and help you walk through next steps. Usually, our application process takes about six months, and our goal is have qualified and approved missionary explorer candidates ready to go to the nations within nine months of application.

You will make a great missionary explorer candidate if you are:

  • Able and willing to commit two years to this assignment
  • Willing to go to the edges of lostness
  • In good physical health (or you’re willing to be!)
  • Willing to live out of a backpack for weeks at a time and sleep in unknown conditions
  • Able and willing to eat all kinds of foods
  • Growing in your relationship with the Lord
  • Able to work without close supervision
  • Part of an SBC church


* Indicates required field

Virtual Explorers Needed

Commit to the Great Pursuit of reaching every nation by becoming a Virtual Explorer. As a Virtual Explorer, you’ll get to follow along with us as we see every people group found and known.

Explorers sent of 300