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We’re sending 300 missionary explorers to ensure that every people group has access to the gospel. 

Current Progress

People Groups Identified
People Groups Explored
People Groups Engaged
People Groups Reached
Missionary Explorers Needed
Missionary Explorers Sent

Three ways to support project 3000

The work of Project 3000 is urgent and vital. We need your help. Here’s three ways you can support it:

Become a Missionary Explorer

Learn more about becoming a missionary explorer. Your commitment to go can help change lives and communities.

Job Details
Give to enable the work

Support Project 3000 financially. Your donation helps send missionary explorers and supports their ground-breaking work.

Become a Virtual Explorer

Pray specifically with updates from missionary explorers. Your prayers make a difference in the lives of the lost.

What is project 3000?

Over 3,000 people groups around the world have no missionary presence and likely no gospel access. No one is engaging them.
Until now.

Project 3000 is a concerted effort to ensure that every people group can access the gospel. Over the next five years, we’re sending 300 missionary explorers to research every remaining people group with no known gospel presence.



They live in jungles and across deserts. They are on islands and in the mountains. Missionary explorers are sent to cities and villages to find their assigned people groups. 


Missionary explorers learn about culture, discern literacy, develop ministry strategies, find national partners, and become prayer warriors for their assigned people groups. 


After people groups are found and known, missionaries can begin the work to create long-term strategies for gospel access and ongoing missionary presence among them. 


We consider a people group “reached” once 2% of the population is evangelical Christians. 

Why does this matter?


8 billion people in the world

Living in 195 countries

Speaking over 7,000 languages


Today, more than half have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

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