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Student Mission Trips

Summer Mission Trips

Pray for discernment on where the Spirit is leading you to serve.

Use Find a Trip to apply for the specific trip you are looking for. The deadline is March 15 each year.

Engage your church and community in raising awareness of your calling and financial needs in order to go.

Spend time in The Word, connect with your church, and leverage IMB training resources for ways to grow.

Time to pack your bags and prepare physically for the opportunity to change your life, and bring the gospel to the world.

Grab your tickets and bags then join us as we transform lives for the sake of the gospel!

1. Pray

2. Apply

3. Raise Funds

4. Prepare Spiritually

5. Pack

6. Go

1 2 3 4 5 6

Join with thousands of college students using their Summer break to reach the lost with missionary teams. IMB has numerous, inexpensive ways for you to serve for 6-8 weeks each summer in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, and many other places all over the world.

Summer projects give college students a wide variety of opportunities to reach lost peoples. Go by yourself or with a team of friends to projects and places like Nehemiah Teams in Southeast Asia, Summer Sojourners in Central and South America, and Face2Face in South Asia. With all these options, you could find yourself in an international city of millions or a small rural town of indigenous peoples sharing Christ with the nations.

30,000+ Successful Trips


“As a campus minister, I see the IMB as a true partner in our ministry on campus. When students serve in a cross-cultural summer missions experience, they return as leaders equipped to share the gospel right here on our campus. These experiences are life-changing, and often help a student determine future long-term ministry and missions opportunities.”

– Stacy Murphree Student Trips Leader

“The Lord was present before we ever arrived. He willingly used a selfish, dramatic, and unsteady person to radiate His love and peace to the nations.”

– MeKayla Southeast Asia

“Sending students globally has produced many changes in our campus ministry. We have become more focused on serving others and have developed impacting partnerships with career missionaries. Students’ faith in God has grown as they have experienced the Lord providing their resources for going and using their spiritual gifts in ministry. “

– Mo Baker Student Trips Leader

“I did not known the that this international city was going to grab my heart, captivate it at times, and shatter it at others for the nations. There is something so devastatingly thrilling, yet utterly exhausting about the hustle and bustle of life in an urban context. Living in this massive city has taught me to love with urgency but not with haste.”

– Rachel London, England

Find your mission

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